We are not a platform but an ultimate gateway for uploading and minting digital collectibles conveniently. Digitally sign your work by creating a tokenized certificate on NFT Up.
In this day and age, everyone seems to be wanting in on the NFT craze. And for good reasons - the returns are high and there is no limit to how creative you can get.
However, not everyone’s equipped with the appropriate knowledge to trade in NFTs. That is where NFT Up enters.
We are a next-gen NFT application where you can literally create and upload your digital art.
The process is simple and goes like this - we create a unique wallet ID for you that then allows you to create or mint an NFT on our application - minus the hassle!
This rich and interactive platform is built for the growing wave of forward-thinking digital creators, artists, and innovators.
Get a cozy Blockchain wallet to stash your NFTs, and trade them right on any platform of your choice.
The world of NFTs, Blockchain, and Crypto is still very new. Fret not! We take safety extremely seriously.
Transfer your minted NFTs using known platform. NFT Up provides you with an known platform link when you create an NFT on our app.
Keep an eye out on the latest NFTs. Keen to purchase them? Browse through a range of NFTs by other users on our app.
We will uniquely publish your token on the Blockchain to make it purchasable. The NFT ownership stays with you.
Keep an eye out on the latest NFTs. Mark any NFT as a favorite and add it to your wishlist for future viewing.
Whatever you want to do regarding NFTs, do it on our super-fast and intuitive application. You will absolutely love its friendly user interface. That is a guarantee!
Obviously, you have some burning questions in your head about NFT Up, how the wallet works, and NFTs in general. We answer them all!
Do you want to get in touch with us? We would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below.
NFT UP - All rights Reserved - Scanner Translator Limited - 1 Beauchamp court - EN55TZ - 13369707